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The Global Outsourcing of Warehousing (CBRE) 06 March 2024

The pandemic spurred a sharp rise in e-commerce, causing global supply chain vulnerabilities that underscored the need for greater resiliency. Third-party logistics (3PL) warehouse operators had to optimise supply chain operations, cut costs and utilise new technologies. 3PLs have been highly effective, now dominating demand for industrial & logistics space, impacting real estate fundamentals and warehouse building design, and leading to further industry evolution such as fourth-party logistics (4PL) and reverse logistics.

3PLs have grown globally:

  • Asia-Pacific: 3PLs accounted for 30%-40% of logistics leasing activity in 2023, with marginal growth ahead. This trend is driven by cost-cutting initiatives and a desire for efficiency amid logistics’ increasing complexity.
  • United States: 3PL leasing activity accounted for more than 30% of bulk transactions (over 100,000 sq. ft.) since the pandemic’s onset due to significantly higher e-commerce, requiring corresponding warehouse space. Although economic uncertainty has slowed short-term 3PL growth, the long-term outlook is strong. 4PL will drive even more modern warehouse space demand.
  • Europe: 3PLs have become a larger part of logistics leasing demand, increasing by 10+ percentage points since 2019. During this time, for XXL facilities (warehouses over 50,000 sq. m. or 580,000 sq. ft.), final occupiers have increasingly preferred to control the lease themselves and contract a 3PL to operate the warehouse.

This report was originally published in

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